
Sunday, September 6, 2015


On the first day of school, my exit ticket for the students was to write a statement to go along with #MyGoalForTheYear. I told them I wanted it to be something they could attain by June, so writing down "to be a doctor" was not a good example because as hard as they worked, they would not be a doctor in 10 months. Mostly, these were grade based, but I want to share them anyway. (Note: I did not have time to do this with my last class).

* obtain an A-B average throughout this year for every class
* is to not miss a lot of homework
* graduate
* get straight As
* get above a C in all my classes
* As and Bs all year =)
* pass all my classes
* pass Algebra 2 with an 85 or more
* pass my classes and graduate on time
* pass this class with a 100%
* get an A so I don't have to take the final exam
* get good grades
* receive no grade lower than a B
* my goal would be to get my own pet. we just moved into our new house so I want to have my own responsibility. (I did encourage them to think OUTSIDE of the confines of school. So I really liked reading this one!)
* prepare to go to India this summer
* pass
* pass and graduate with my class
* get As and Bs in my classes
* maintain all As and Bs
* end this class with B

What does this tell me? My students are actually more motivated than last year. Or, at least they are starting out that way. I think that's great because they are more willing to think and to work.

I'm excited for the year!

#MyGoalForTheYear is to continue to push and motivate my students to think critically and mathematically and to help them mature, both academically and personally.


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