
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Standards Based Grading

For about two years now, I have been mulling over the idea of SBG for my special education resource level Algebra 2 classes. I have just really been struggling with implementation. We have classes of varying length (some periods are 48, others are 54) and I often feel like this is not long enough. At the same time, if I did have single skill based quizzes, the assessments would not take as long.

My main issue is when to offer re-takes. I do not have my own classroom. This really puts a damper on having students come in early or stay after school for extra help or to retake assessments.

I am currently deciding if it would be feasible to have a "quiz re-take day" once every two weeks or so, where for 15 minutes during the period, students could re-take a quiz. My issue with that becomes what if they need to retake more than one?

Also, what remediation must they complete in order to be eligible for a re-take? My students do not complete homework, so most of them would never be eligible for a re-take if I required an assignment to be completed.

Hmmm... lots of thinking to do before next school year. I would not want to begin a new grading system partway through the school year anyway.

Any suggestions for a newbie like me?


  1. I do re-takes on portions of exams in Algebra 2. I usually select 5 or 6 high point questions that many students may have lost points on. The remediation is that they need to do corrections and bring them to the retake, along with a signed exam. I found that if I needed to look carefully at the corrections, because some of the kids didn't even bother to check the posted answer key to the exam, thus not learning what they did wrong, and wasting everyone's time. I selected some times I was available (I do have a quiet space to go when I'm not teaching - do you?), and students needed to make appointments. It is a bit of a logistical pain, but for the kids who really reviewed the work, it paid off, and that's the objective, isn't it? Hope this helps.

    1. Thank you for the comment. I have been reading a few blog posts by people who are successfully implementing SBG and re-takes on assessments. Because we all share rooms at the HS I work at, there is not really a place to go where there will not be other teachers and students - and it is hard for my students to focus around others, especially in a testing scenario. But I'll poke around and see if anyone is willing to let me use their classroom. Thanks again for the advice!
